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uju system

uju system

System info / management


System info / management

uju system [flags]


  -f, --force                   Tries to start the deamon even if a populated PID file is found
  -h, --help                    help for system
  -H, --home_dir string         Run directory where data files will be stored (default "/Users/sithembiso/.uju_qa")
  -l, --level string            Set logging level ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"fatal") for the daemon (default "info")
  -o, --log_file string         A file where the logs will be written
  -m, --network_mode string     Node type (peer | super | static) (default "peer")
  -r, --restart                 Restarts the System deamon
      --secured                 Security features enabled including only calling the server via HTTPS (default true)
      --server_domain string    Server domain address (default "")
  -s, --start                   Starts the System deamon
      --state_access_control    Enables state access control to allow users that own the state to write to it (default true)
  -d, --storage_driver string   Datastore driver ID (default "sqlite")
  -U, --ui_address string       Address of the user interface used for prompts and notifications

Options inherited from parent commands

  -A, --deamon_address string   The URL of the System daemon (default "http://localhost:6060")
      --repo string             Repo ID, name or path to use for the current operation


  • uju - A version control tool for source code
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Sep-2020